Thursday, March 1, 2012

on death

The other day I had a peculiar vision about my own mortality. I was walking out of the kitchen and when I glanced back at the coffee cup I had left on the counter, I had a vision that my mother had come to my house after I had passed and this coffee cup was the first thing that reminded her of me.  Strange, huh? Maybe, but it sure made me more aware of being alive that day.

I came across an interesting blog about death, and how talking about it while we're young and healthy is actually...well...healthy. Our collective fear is that if we talk about death we will bring it upon ourselves or sound morbid. But the reality is that every day could be your last.

The blog mentions a physician named Ira Byock who wrote a book called  The Four Things That Matter Most.  It was based on the four things that he learned from dying patients to say to our loved ones before it's too late:

Please forgive me.
I forgive you.
Thank you.
I Love you.
