Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One of my closest friends has cancer. 
It's come, gone, and come back.

I have a bad cold. Silly, but I have found myself subconsciously walking around like I am in her shoes. I think maybe I wanted to feel her pain for a day as if I owed it to her. I was having a coughing fit and my son asked me if I was going to be okay.

I felt her.

I couldn't concentrate on much because I just didn't feel good.

I felt her.

I want to be with her and maybe, just maybe if I became aware of every little ounce of pain I could possibly be feeling, just maybe I'd feel hers, too.

And then I heard her voice telling me I had it all wrong.
She says don't sympathize with my pain,
The joy I see is not seen by many.