Friday, April 20, 2012

stupid book

I don't usually have time for fiction.
At all.
But let me tell you the sheer beauty of letting yourself get lost in a series of books that you never thought you'd consider for one second.
It's not so much that the book is great - it is.
It's that once again I've surrendered to another small corner of a prison that this play-it-safe girl has spent most of her life living behind.
And as it turns out, this corner was bigger than I thought, as I found myself rampantly defending myself when it wasn't even necessary.
"I'm allowed to read garbage - don't laugh at me - yeah? so I joined the hype and it pisses me off but let me allow myself for a short while to be affected by someone else's art, their dream, their 'fake story'."
I'll continue to live 'firsts' if it feels like this, like getting lost in someone else's dream.
To have 'aha!' moments on a daily basis because I've shot down my-self-enemy.

Turns out this fake story is a very real truth in my book.