Monday, July 30, 2012

making it

Funny how you can have an epiphany anywhere.  Like staring at a merry go round or taking a box of cereal off the shelf.

I had one of those today. I remembered what it was like to live in anticipation of something better - to want to vacate my life - to want to go somewhere - anywhere - other than here.

Today I appreciate the road I've taken to get where I am today. 

A place inside me I never want to leave. And wherever I go - or stay - it's always there in me.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sometimes pain hurts the most from the ones we love the most.


And sometimes there's not a damn thing you can do except to find peace within yourself - because really and truly - that's all you're ever guaranteed to have forever - yourself - until there is nothing left.

I like this recipe: 

 Pain / peace within + (our good buddy) time x understanding - reactivity = overall peace.

I'm marinating it for a while and then I'll sleep on it. I already like the smell of it.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

above and below the surface

This picture is worth more than a thousand words.  It was taken of me crossing the Atlantic Ocean to the banks of West End, Bahamas. When I saw this I first thought of the irony - the fact that that I'm up on a fly bridge of a 45-ft boat, appearing to be floating in the clouds....yet I'm actually floating on top of a water mass that's easily one thousand feet deep. Very. Very. Deep... are my thoughts while this picture was taken.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I was liberated a little today.

I read a quote by author Karen Salmansohn that said the following:

"Live your happiest life by accepting that some people can only be in your life as lessons and/or memories."

For some of you, this may just be another thing that someone else said.

For me, I'm relieved.

Sometimes I'm afraid of letting people in because of the burden of responsibility I hold along with it.  I don't want to let them down - or be let down.  If you develop a relationship with someone - anyone - don't you have a responsibility to carry that....develop it....nurture it?

I believe today the answer is no.  Those words that someone else said have resonated with me. I need to accept that sometimes it's okay to allow the ebb and flow of friendships in and out of my life. If we all carried the relationships we've ever had as a responsibility, we'd never evolve or create new space.

I like that I have allowed someone else to give me permission to choose who to choose in my life.  To be selfish about who I want to hold on to and who was there for another reason.

~Have a nice Sunday ~

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

time to read this...

"Time ripens all things.
With time, all things are revealed.
Time is the father of truth."

~ Francois Rabelais

If you've been following, you've noticed I have an interest in people's perception of time. This 'thing' that you can't hear or feel or see amazes me because it is so powerful in its effects.

How we perceive an event may be grounded in the reality of motion but measured on this human scale called time. How different we all perceive the effects of - the illusion of - our concept of time!

Time is band-aid that heals bleeding wounds. If everything else stayed constant except the passing of time, it (in and of itself) is powerful enough to heal

Time causes suffering when too many band-aids are put on top of each other over time.

Time is your best friend when it's all you have to get a grip on.
Your enemy when it tricks you.

Time can be lost and found...
...bought, spent, 
wanted, wasted,
long or short

And although, in theory, the hands of our clock can tick in both directions, time as we all know it only moves forward.

Seems vicious when it can take us backward so often as it does.


And yet collectively there is no one unified perception of time - or anything for that matter.

So I invite you to ask yourself this question,

What's the most significant measure of time in your life?