Sunday, July 8, 2012


I was liberated a little today.

I read a quote by author Karen Salmansohn that said the following:

"Live your happiest life by accepting that some people can only be in your life as lessons and/or memories."

For some of you, this may just be another thing that someone else said.

For me, I'm relieved.

Sometimes I'm afraid of letting people in because of the burden of responsibility I hold along with it.  I don't want to let them down - or be let down.  If you develop a relationship with someone - anyone - don't you have a responsibility to carry that....develop it....nurture it?

I believe today the answer is no.  Those words that someone else said have resonated with me. I need to accept that sometimes it's okay to allow the ebb and flow of friendships in and out of my life. If we all carried the relationships we've ever had as a responsibility, we'd never evolve or create new space.

I like that I have allowed someone else to give me permission to choose who to choose in my life.  To be selfish about who I want to hold on to and who was there for another reason.

~Have a nice Sunday ~