Monday, February 25, 2013

a small part of a big picture

I turned around on the beach to notice that the prints I had so effortlessly placed in the earth were about to be washed away by the sea.  For a brief moment I recognized my place in this world and started back on my trail, better than I was before that moment.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dear Time,

Having a curious desire lately to unhook the grip that time has on me.

I want to consciously peel away it's fingers, one by one - not get so caught up in the past and wonder about what's coming.

Even more - I want to be caught by something - the moment that I am in.

Funny, huh? Let me go but catch me. Push and pull. Come and go.

But ultimately just put me right down in the middle.  The balance between the extremes of time and all the restrictions it holds in me.  

I guess a better way to put it - 

Dear Time,
    You silly thing I can't touch.  You affect me on all levels. You change the appearance of my skin and  the function of my cells. You put a limit on the amount of beats my heart pumps in my life and you make me look down at a little device on my wrist to watch you throughout the day.  You confine me.  And although I mature as you pass, and you heal so much pain and allow me more answers - please, please, release your grip on me a little.  Instead of holding onto me, why don't you try passing through me? I want to know you're there - I respect you so much - but I don't want to stand still with you.
Patiently Yours,

~ L ~

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Boy and Girl

Exactly one year ago today I wrote about how a compass reminds me of love.

This year, only one thing comes to mind...

The Moon.

It may sound unoriginal when pairing it with love but it never gets old to me.

I'll refer to Moon as a girl....and Earth as boy..

Did you know she was made up of debris from his crust? From a part of him? 

And although she shares so many different views of herself to him, he only is able to see one side of her surface.  

 She looks flawless in his gaze, perfectly imperfect, yet...

Up close she is flawed. She has some rough edges and some smooth, usually unpredictable, but he welcomes this because he is fascinated by her beauty, her mystery, her unknown.

His gravity holds her in orbit, but it pulls differently at various parts of her.

She controls most of his tides, although, there is an outside force - the Sun - that sometimes interferes. When this happens, when she pairs up with the Sun, that's when his tides are the highest and the lowest. The most extreme.

Only twelve people have ever touched her.

He has not, but he always looks up at her in the sky,
and their atmospheres are always in relation to one another.

He is proud that he helped create her.

Happy Valentines Day.

~ L ~

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sometimes you just gotta be bold if you want to.
Like paint your front door fluorescent yellow and not care what anyone else thinks.

Happy Wednesday.

~ L ~

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A space I thought up....


It's been a while. Twenty days to be exact.  It's been nice to process some of the things going on in my life a the moment, one of which was a move. Again, I am reminded of how I make exits in my life. How much I've evolved in that process and in the thought process behind it.  

I stared at this room before I left the old house for the last time and we had a quiet moment - the house and I.  'What do I say to you?', I thought. 

"Nothing.  I have nothing to say. You know why? Because you only exist in my head.  You are a shell different to everyone else who's ever lived there before. It means something to me that no one else has felt.  You're just a room.  I decorate you with my own thoughts and my own being. I colored you with my energy. 

So a 'thank you' will suffice, for the blank canvas to think upon. How does it feel to be thought up? I've thought up something new, but don't feel're the old brink underneath that foundation. You're a part of the new. "

Here's to new adventures.  And to old ones remembered.

~ L ~