Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A space I thought up....


It's been a while. Twenty days to be exact.  It's been nice to process some of the things going on in my life a the moment, one of which was a move. Again, I am reminded of how I make exits in my life. How much I've evolved in that process and in the thought process behind it.  

I stared at this room before I left the old house for the last time and we had a quiet moment - the house and I.  'What do I say to you?', I thought. 

"Nothing.  I have nothing to say. You know why? Because you only exist in my head.  You are a shell different to everyone else who's ever lived there before. It means something to me that no one else has felt.  You're just a room.  I decorate you with my own thoughts and my own being. I colored you with my energy. 

So a 'thank you' will suffice, for the blank canvas to think upon. How does it feel to be thought up? I've thought up something new, but don't feel bad....you're the old brink underneath that foundation. You're a part of the new. "

Here's to new adventures.  And to old ones remembered.

~ L ~