Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A lesson from the moon

Not surprisingly,
something interesting is happening in the universe tonight.

 During the predawn hours 
of August 13, 2014,
the most anticipated meteor shower of the year 
will be visible in the sky.

The problem?
It will have to compete with an unusually


since an extra-full moon occurred just 
two days before the meteors' performance.

A little competition for these shooting stars.
But no worry, the brightest ones will still shine through.

Very impressive, 
night sky,

challenging your particles that collide with our atmosphere to 
overcome and outshine
the brightest moonlight.

We will be watching
and learning from your lesson.

Make light out of darkness.
Make beauty out of destruction.
Collide with our emotions
and help us
set the brightest examples.

Goodnight, Moon.

~ L ~