Tuesday, June 26, 2012

the problem with problems

Life is full of illusions - and if you don't believe this, consider reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

One illusion?


You can't touch a problem. In fact, you can't even solve one.  Realize that there are no problems - only situations that can either be dealt with right now or left alone and accepted.  

If you became completely present - focusing your attention on this very moment - it is impossible to have a problem. Our minds create problems to create an identity of sorts. Pain. 

Don't identify yourself with pain. Make the choice to create no more pain for yourself. Give up the suffering of the 'problem illusion.' 

Un-do the collective contamination on this planet by making the conscious choice that you will create no more pain for yourself by identifying your life - your self - as problematic.

The next time you have a 'problem', I challenge you to go ahead and describe to yourself why it is actually a problem in this very moment.

Problems are mind-made and they need time to survive. But they cannot survive in the actuality of right now.