Monday, September 10, 2012

the compass II

Funny how I go for a while without writing because I'm "out of sorts." 
But what I really need is to write.

You're human which means you can relate to what I'm about to say without a doubt.

At the same time but completely separate, 
I'm experiencing such conflicting emotions.

I'm mad at what cancer is doing to my cousin 
I'm sad for her children
I'm joyful at the 8 year mark of my daughter today
I'm weepy about my baby growing up
I'm proud at the mother I've been to my kids
I'm scared for what the world is teaching them
I'm excited that I am training for a cross fit competition 
I want to throw up because I'm so nervous about competing.

So I've learned a little something about myself - that I either hide when I'm feeling like my internal compass is spinning in so many directions - or I spill it all out there and admit my humanity.

Today I am choosing the latter only because these feelings are not a secret.  They have all been felt by someone, somewhere at some point in time.  
And even though they are mine,

I am not theirs.

I will be alright :)