Thursday, June 6, 2013

she acts like summer and walks like rain

Sometimes I reflect on past writings, so on this rainy day in June I found the post I wrote exactly one year ago today.
A profound one for me to reflect upon because I'm reminded of my growth over the past 365 days.
Yet it's still raining.
I've come so far yet I still crave the thirst-quenching feeling that the rain and thunder brings.
For me it's a dark forecast thrown at a lighter me and the choice I've made is to embrace that it's here.

Don't be afraid of your atmosphere.

(( Post from June 6, 2012 ))

It's a rainy day over most of south Florida which means I'm in this boat on this lake

I've been here before - waist deep....head first....drowning - but today I'm very much afloat. It will never stop raining no matter how I evolve...and I like that.

But it always makes me stop and think about

what rain sounds like to me on this particular day...