Wednesday, June 26, 2013

act vs. react

Do you tend to speak up when someone affects you 
positively or negatively?

I struggle with this.

Because I know it takes effort to be extraordinary at something,
I tend to go out of my way to reinforce when someone goes out of their way to be just that.
Friend, cashier, employee, sister, mother - stranger on the sidewalk.

The lady at Walgreens today went out of her way to help me, which made 15 minutes of my day less frustrating.  I thanked her adamantly. While I usually get annoyed when I'm asked to go home and log onto a website to fill out a customer satisfaction survey, I knew right then and there I'd go home and do this one.  


I've also improved upon - but not perfected - the opposite end of the spectrum.
The younger version of me?
I'd speak up 100% of the time.
Who do you think you are? Why would you do this? Seriously?

The revised and continuously improving version?
I've kept quiet about a lot for a long time now.
There is definitely a benefit to giving yourself at least one night to sleep on something before you react.
I appreciate those who have helped coach me on when to speak up - and when NOT to.
I am very thankful that I've passed up addressing certain issues over the years.

However, for those of you who NEVER speak up and continue to let things be just because you want to avoid any and all confrontation - 
this isn't always helping the bigger picture, which is bigger than you.
This is not my operating system every time you start my engine.
We are all part of this picture. Communication is key.

Thank you to the person today who helped me realize that speaking up can make a difference in something bigger than just my own issue with something.

Ego nano? Yes.
Hybrid engine? Good.
Zero fire? I'll pass, thanks.

I appreciate my voice
even if you didn't notice my silence.