Thursday, July 25, 2013

the bitch bandaid

Do you see the bitch across the room over there?

The one who won't look at you or for some reason doesn't realize that she, too, affects the space in the room?

Walk over to her casually.

Smile before you even get close.

Tell her how lovely her dress looks on her.

Not many people would pull that dress off the way she does.

And wow your hair! It's so silky.  What do you use?

And then, casually, return to the space you were standing 

over there across the room

and feel how she no longer is the bitch.

In fact, she never 'made' you feel that she was one.

You let her affect you.

Maybe you were even her own bitch over there.

And you took control over that situation

by walking over and giving her every reason 

to no longer feel intimidated by you in the first place.

You smile now.

Because you realize how you just made two people feel better.

And even if she's still a bitch?

You'll sleep better tonight than she will.
