Tuesday, December 24, 2013

the gift of enough

Whatever it is that you're waiting for,
whether it's

money in the bank,
presents to be wrapped,
for someone you love to call,
 a package to arrive before Christmas,
everything to be done just the way it needs to be,
for your someone to actually appreciate you,
for your kids to stop calling your name,
to feel younger than last year,
for the holidays to be over,
for the holiday feeling to last all year,
to have a Christmas where you feel like a kid again,
for someone to forgive you for something you've done,
for a new addition to your family,
for the weather to be different than it is wherever you are,
for the world to be more peaceful in the coming year,
for all your dreams and resolutions to come true in 2014,

"Be happy for no reason, like a child.
If you are happy for a reason, 
you're in trouble,
because that reason can be taken from you."
~Deepak Chopra

Let's stop waiting.
Wishing you all different versions of happy this season.
