Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dear Sir, I salute you.

This past weekend,
on National television,
a little girl sang the national anthem.

It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard -
such big feeling coming out of such a small being.

As the camera panned out and across the the baseball field,
I noticed that a grown man was weeping.

I wish I could tell him what that meant to me.
Me, the one among millions
who saw him remove his cap,
bow his head and close his eyes.

I don't know what his moment was about,
he could have been in pain from loss, 
or maybe he was overcome with emotion from the words of our
nation's anthem.
"Gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there."
I don't know,
but I do know I was right there with him.
I felt his emotion as I, too, was moved 
in this moment.

This goes out to all the men and women
who have the courage to show their feelings in front of others,
in front of their peers, their children, the nation.

To weep is universally understood
and yet so misunderstood as weakness.

We don't know each other, Sir,
but I acknowledge you 
and I salute you.  

And I'll say a prayer for you tonight,
after I say one for those who 
aren't aware they live in the
home of the brave.
