Thursday, May 1, 2014

re-demp-tion; noun


I always feel compelled to write on Day 1 of each month.
Redemption Day.
I think of them as 12 mini New Years
such that I think of Mondays as 52 microns of those.

The archaic definition of redemption is 
the action of buying one's freedom.

What freedom have I purchased today?

Forgiveness of the present.
Allowing this moment to be is 
my modern-day freedom, 
my salvation,
my (( ri'dempSHen )).

"Forgiveness of the present is even more important than
forgiveness of the past.  If you forgive every moment -
allow it to be as it is - 
then there will be no accumulation of resentment
that needs to be forgiven at some later time."
~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

So what does one do with the second day of the month, the year,
the third day and so on?

There's some power in that space,
that BIG empty space that people mistake for the need to fill up.
This vail of an illusion is replaced in theory
with the fact that all empty space has the potential 
to remain empty or to be occupied (( with clutter )).

The space has a choice.
You are the space.

Keep the potential open for love, growth, clarity, joy.

~ L ~