Wednesday, January 14, 2015

go beyond self-doubt

When you doubt yourself for the small things you don't do, 
think big picture. 
You're on a planet that rotates around the Sun 
and trusts it's pull from the Moon. 
Your heart continues to beat, 
and your left foot trusts your right, 
as it always follows it…

The Earth does not rotate around the sun
in a perfect circle.
In fact, it's the imperfect oval 
that makes the ebb and flow
creating the seasons on our planet.

The Earth has to trust the Moon
because without it,
it would wobble significantly more
and have a harsher climate.

Your heart trusts
that while one valve opens to allow blood flow,
another valve closes to prevent backward flow.

The brain cannot feel pain,
so it trusts 
the body's hardwiring
to send it signals
that something is not right.
We need the very organ that cannot feel pain
to feel pain.

Such is the case with our own internal rhythm.
You must trust and believe in yourself,
in all that's right and that's not,
just as the Universe does.

As Victor Hugo says,
"Be as a bird, who, halting in her flight,
on a limb too slight,
feels it give way beneath her,
yet sings, sings knowing she has wings."

~ L ~