Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Alive and well

When I sit back and recognize how overwhelmed I feel with all that is on my plate, I actually consider the thought that they'd all have to find a way to do it without me if I weren't here anyway. It's kind of laughable how much we sweat the small stuff.  We meaning Me. I may operate well under a fast-paced schedule, but I want to operate better under a slow-paced one.  

I want to do less better.

I've been thinking a lot about death lately, can you tell?

I find myself thinking about how 'unfinished business' is only unfinished business if you're alive to worry about it. That's what those of us still on Earth do, right? We do the worrying.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of it's sorrow, it empties today of its strength."
~Corrie Ten Boom

Phew. I just gave myself permission to CHILL.
Thank you, Self.

Alive and well Self.