Sunday, November 11, 2012

perspective as i miss you...

In light of - no - in 'darkness' of the crazy and stressful post-election world at present time and all of the opinions and complaints and dark forecasts for our country,

there is a light that shines down on me from above..... my cousin passed away from cancer last week.

She was young. So are her children.

There have been few words to say because it's all felt so deeply.

~  ~  ~

Death of a loved one, when it happens that the body leaves its form behind, can suddenly stop your world. No matter how inevitable it may be, no matter how much you try to make sense of it all, nothing prepares you for it's moment.  And the only thing I can think of that even comes close to stopping your world is the moment of a birth. 

Ironic, isn't it?

Birth. Life. Death.

And yet there are very few moments in between that stop your world as much as your entrance and your exit into life.  

I want to stop more.

Why do we go and go and do and do and not just stop and be?

Take in the sunset? The sound of rain, laughter? 
Does this ever stop you?

I vow to work on this moment when it arrives. Which is always right now.  

(( I tried to call you last night to tell you that you taught me this but....))