Thursday, April 25, 2013

more on compasses

If the only moment that truly matters is right now,
then why do we shape ourselves from our past
and look so onwardly to the future?


I find myself looking back often with a smile, as perplexed as I may be and how bad of a memory I have, I still see a different version of my old movies spin on my wreel when I pass the same intersections that haven't changed since I was little...the songs that come on that can remind me of certain smells from my past...the scar I see on my chin when I make a funny face in the mirror...the feeling I get when buy a polaroid camera for my son....and when I look at a compass which always brings me back to where I'm going and where I've been.

Would you change directions on your compass if you could go back?

All the right people would say no - it doesn't matter - what matters is right now.

I say it's a thought worth thinking about because moving in any direction is a lesson one way or the other. Maybe that's why I like how a compass works...

When it's held steady the needle points to its magnetic pole. It's soul.
You have to first be still to know to move forward or backward.

I'm moving still.....

Are you?

 ~The future comes one day at a time, no matter which direction you move.
And the past is still moving in you ~