Wednesday, April 10, 2013

this word in my dictionary


adjective - passing swiftly; vanishing quickly; transient; transitory
synonyms: passing; flitting; flying; brief; fugitive

This word has been flashing through my mind lately like the lyrics of a song.
over and over and over.

And I can't help but wonder, what does this word mean to you?
Does it mean life is rushing by you
are you able to capture the moment, the fleeting moment, as it comes?

I appreciated a moment while I was buying my Dad a pair of shoes for his birthday today, as I do every year.  I smiled at the same counter I'd been at several years in a row now.

"Excuse me, ma'am, my Dad is a size 11 4E in these shoes, can you please look him up in your system and let me know which pair I bought him last year?"

Here I am, again, I thought.  How cool that I'm here again for another year of his life...
And in that same moment came a realization that one year I would not be here again for this occasion.

I wanted to say, "While you're at it, can you please guarantee that I will be back here next year?"

I feel as though I stood still, time was finally passing through me and not taking me with it.
This is what it feels like to appreciate a moment for all it's worth, 
all the joy that overcame me and all the realization that it's going to end soon. 
I'd be walking out of that store in a few moments and,
as it may be,
It was an ordinary moment with such weight in my heart
and I thought I just don't ever want to be in the moment where
I have to pass that shoe store by one April and not walk in...
-that moment will come too, 
one day,
and I'm thankful now that I 
grabbed a hold of the
that was right then and there -

standing still as ever,

inhaling every ounce it had to offer me.

Happy Birthday, Dad. I'm always aware of how much you mean to me.

~ L ~