Monday, March 3, 2014

I was always so quick to deny help at the grocery store.
I don't need help, I thought.
I am capable of taking my own groceries out to my car.

But my entire outlook changed yesterday,
as something made me accept the help
of a nice older gentleman.

"Which way to your car," he asked.
Surprised at my own compliance, I replied
"This way."

I started walking out to the car briskly as I often do,
and turned around to realize he hadn't even left the store yet.
I went back inside to find him.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but my legs aren't working well today.
I could tell you my sob story, but it's not necessary.
You'll have to forgive me for being slow."

"Are you sure you want to come outside all this way?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," he said.
"The day is beautiful and I am lucky I can still walk.
So if you can be patient with me, I would love to help you."

Sure, I thought.
Sure I will walk with you,
at your own pace.
In fact, take me with you at this pace.
Lead me into your slow stance with time.

Time really did stand still.
I thanked him for letting me walk with him 
and for teaching me more than he could know.
It was an exchange I will never forget.

Slow down and breathe more.

It reminded me of something Abraham Lincoln once said,

"I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back."

It's Monday, walk slowly and pay attention to this day 
instead of swiftly jumping to Friday.

~ L ~