Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How will you EXIT this year?

I'd always considered New Year's Day, January 1, as a really bad Monday.  This is because I had always looked at the new beginning as a glass-half-empty approach.  The entrance into something I might not be able to handle.  Too many unknowns. 

But I had it all wrong because I was unprepared by being over-prepared with expectations.

So a few years ago I figured I'd try a new way to think about it.

This year it's a new EXIT, which brings me back to my very first ever blog post from this past January.

A new leap from where I needed to be before I enter into the next year, reminding me of a quote I still smile about, by Bill Withers, the musician:

"You can't get to wonderful without passing through alright."

You've got to have faith that you'll be alright, by being okay with where you've already been, and by letting go of the fear of what's to come.  You have to trust the flow of life, the spontenaity of being free.  That's the ultimate liberty, freedom from the self restraint, the fear, the walls that have all led to the blockages that hold you back.

My 'resolution' is a new hope - the hope that the fear I have inside of me as a result from the Newtown, CT tragedies, as well as the massive amount of pain and suffering in this world, is overshadowed by the love inside of me.  I can't wish problems and tragedies away completely, as I know I need to experience all these dualities.

I cannot escape pain and suffering. I can only escape from being overwhelmed by it, by facing it and challenging it every day, and by continuing to focus on the love and joy that is always life itself.

Happy Exit, friends :)
I'll see you on the other side.

Much love,
~ L ~