Wednesday, December 5, 2012

peace from awareness

Reading this book that I've mentioned here before,
"The Untethered Soul,"
I came across a multitude of life lessons, 
in fact about 10 per page.

But funny how things stick out to you at different times for one reason or another.
This stuck out to me today:

"You must learn to be comfortable with psychological disturbance. If your mind becomes hyperactive, just watch it.  If your heart starts to heat up, let it go through what it must.  Try to find the part of you that is capable of noticing that your mind is hyperactive and that your heart is heating up.  That part is your way out.....The only way to inner freedom is through the one who watches: the Self.....In time, you will come to realize that the center from which you watch disturbance cannot get disturbed."

Quite liberating, huh?

Figured we could all use a dose of personal liberation right about now.  
Not one of us reading this is without disturbance of some sort in our lives.

Here's to a small dose of inner freedom.

~ L ~